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I do not perceive you as someone with a problem the Angels are going to fix, but rather as the presence of the Divine who has forgotten!

As an Angelic Reiki healer, it is an absolute joy to be working hand in hand with the Angelic Kingdom of Light to bring one of the highest forms of healing to you.

As Angels exist outside the different dimensions as we know them, I stand as a clear physical bridge for the angels to deliver the most perfect healing for you. I am often able to see the healing taking place and may get feeling or messages for you.

It is through their guidance, and the healing art of Angelic Reiki, that has positively influenced me and my life. It is the same creative, healing energy that you will receive, during the session.

Angelic Reiki will positively influence you and your life, according to Divine Will. This could be on a physical, emotional, mental or spiritual level.

The Reiki healing session is around 1 hour, as its distant reiki healing, I will call you at the set time, help you prepare for the session.

There is also a follow up call the next day, or same day depending on the time of day you choose to have the healing. This is for you to share any part of your experience if you wish, and for me to feedback any messages I may have been given for you.


Debra R “I thank you Debo for a lovely healing session: you are truly blessed. I was stunned at how powerful this session felt. I really thought my eyes were open, and what I was seeing was outside of me, when I opened my eyes, I felt that what was inside was set free. A truly enlightening beautiful experience, which means I will be back for more” 💕 Debra 



"After Debo’s Reiki Healing session last night, I had a good long night sleep, last night, normally go to sleep at 1am even earlier and get no sleep, last night I went to-bed at 11 and slept throughout. Thank you again and love you so much for your kind help and my wonderful night sleep!!!speak to you soon xx" Nalini V

What is Angelic Reiki

How Was Angelic Reiki Created?

All spiritual teachings and energies are universally available to everyone, but through guidance from the Master Djwhal Khul and Archangel Metatron, plus their great knowledge of spiritual principles and ancient teachings, Kevin and Christine Core wove together a unique and profound system of healing. This system has been named Angelic Reiki.

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